What is Web Traffic?

Web traffic is the heart of a brand on the Internet. Without it, it is possible that your audience will not get to know you and, as a consequence, you will not make the sales of your product or service as you would like to buy backlinks.

For this reason, we consider traffic as the primary resource for digital visibility. We call web traffic all the reach, visits, and views of a website, page, or blog. In other words, it refers to the number of accesses that content receives on the Internet.

How people access and generate traffic for a particular site can vary. The most traditional and commonly known way is by searching for information on engines like Google.

But did you know that there are many other types of traffic generation? Next, we will show you what they are.

What Types of Web Traffic are There?

web traffic

There are different sources and strategies to achieve a flow of visits on a web page.

Here you will see which ones you can work on in your Digital Marketing to increase your company’s visibility.

1. Organic

  • We know as organic all the accesses achieved in content without investing money in ads and campaigns.
  • This happens naturally through a Google search or a link in a website’s content, for example.
  • The best-known method to get organic traffic is Content Marketing.
  • Once search engine optimized ( SEO ) content creation, web pages appear in search engine results based on users’ search intent.

2. Payment

As we just mentioned, it is also possible to buy web traffic. This type of traffic occurs with the investment in ads, as in the Google Ads and Facebook Ads platforms. You may be wondering why someone would pay for traffic if it can achieve for free.

The answer is quite simple: while organic traffic requires Knowledge software to produce relevant and optimized content and time to build a consistent strategy, paid traffic is immediate and guaranteed.

In short, in paid traffic, you invest so that the public reaches your website – and not the other way around.

Some examples of paid campaigns are:

  • focus on keywords relevant to your business through sponsored links;
  • focus on targeted audiences with sponsored posts on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, for example;
  • banners on other websites.

3. Direct

  • In this type of traffic, the one who gets the credit is the business’s branding strategy.
  • Direct traffic happens when someone types the website independently in the browser, without clicking from any other source.
  • Thus, these users usually already know the brand, the project, and the business thanks to Brand Awareness.
  • They are also usually exceptionally qualified leads for conversion once they show interest and confidence in the business.
  • These hits can easily track in Google Analytics, just like the other traffic channels.
  • But direct traffic is also known in the world of Online Marketing as a source of unknowns.
  • This happens inconsistencies and inexplicable accesses record in it, which do not correspond to the historical behaviour of the website.

4. Referral

Referral traffic, from referral English, translates access originating from the mention of your page on other websites. So that you can understand it in practice, let’s think of an example.

Imagine you have a perfumery. A blog that produces content on the subject mentions your business and adds a link to your virtual store on a given day. In this case, all the accesses that come through this link will identify as referral traffic.

As you can see, this traffic works as a kind of indication and is quite essential to attract new users and show search engines that your website is relevant and valuable.

To improve Referral traffic, it is vital to carry out Link Building strategies, such as:

  • Guest Posts ;
  • Link Baiting ;
  • produce materials in Co-marketing with other companies;
  • earn mentions of your brand in different domains;
  • carry out reports and market studies that generate backlinks ;
  • among other.

5. Social

  • Social traffic comes from social media. That is, it occurs when the links of your pages share on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, YouTube, among other interaction platforms.
  • This type of traffic reinforces the need to have your business presence on social networks since they are the channels with the most incredible power of engagement and content virtualization.
  • Also, they are an excellent source of qualified leads. That’s because if the user follows your business on social networks, it means that they are much more willing and interested in consuming what you offer.

6. E-mail

  • This traffic happens when the user clicks on links added in messages sent through email marketing.
  • Although they do not influence the authority of search engines, they are an excellent source of traffic, with a record of clicks in the vast majority of cases.
  • In summary, this happens because the user already knows your brand and trusts business enough to subscribe to your newsletter and give you their email.
  • In this context, email turns out to be the most recommended channel to send content, rich materials, offers, among others, and generate traffic to your website.

7. Other Channels

So far, we have mentioned the most relevant sources for the generation of web traffic, but we cannot fail to mention:

push notifications: messages sent by applications or websites that appear on the main screen, especially on mobile devices, and that can use to direct users to a specific link.

Forums and groups: interaction in Internet communities to attract users interested in your segment can occur within social networks or on channels such as Quora and Reddit.

6 Key Factors to Increase Web Traffic

web traffic

Now that you know the primary sources of web traffic, it’s time to understand what actions you can take to optimize your access. Join us!

1. Optimize your keywords with Content Marketing

Suppose you want to take advantage of the full potential of organic traffic. In that case, you have to invest your time in a consistent Content Marketing strategy, which includes, among other things, choosing the ideal keywords for you to find on the web.

The keywords or keywords are the terms that people use to express the information they want to find on search engines. They are the basis of SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) and the first step you must take within everything that this technique covers.

Choosing the most appropriate keywords will allow you to segment your content and adapt it to the interest of your Buyer Persona, thereby increasing your conversion opportunities.

Some tools that you can use to extract information and define your keywords are:

  • Google Keyword Planner;
  • Keywords Everywhere;
  • SEMRush ;
  • MOZ.

2. Invest in a Good Infrastructure for your Blog

The factors that most influence web positioning and user retention on a page are its loading speed and easy and intuitive navigation.

For this, having a good hosting service to create, host, and manage the blog is the best way to go.

On the Internet, you find many services that offer this type of technical performance. Even here at Rock Content, we have Rock Stage. Our hosting service focus on WordPress.

And optimal navigation is directly related to the user experience (UX). This concept refers to designing attractive, practical, and easy interaction flows on a website.

UX involves, among other things:

  • captivate the user with visual attractions;
  • use words and messages with the help of UX Writing ;
  • invest in web performance optimization ( WPO );
  • optimize loading speed;
  • offer interactive content and experiences.

3. Create Viral Content

Getting to the point: there is no magic formula for creating viral content.

However, some techniques allow you to develop the potential of your content so that you can encourage sharing on social networks and the generation of backlinks – fundamental factors to increase your web traffic.

Some ways to achieve this with viral content is by investing in:

  • Mental triggers: expressions that have an effect on readers and make them take action.
  • Storytelling: content in narrative format, telling a short story to the reader.
  • Interactive web pages: infographics, quizzes, calculators, and other materials that the user can click on to decide what information to find.
  • Relevant topics: with high search demand, which can be favourite topics or trends of the moment.
  • Emotional attachment: through content that causes positive emotions.
  • Humour: content that causes laughter among users;
  • among others.

4. Make Strategic Ads on Search Engines and Social Networks

Ads are great ways to generate web traffic, especially when you’re looking for quick results. But keep in mind that this will only be efficient if you plan your strategy and define clear goals.

This includes choosing the most appropriate channel, like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, for example. After all, you must advertise where the people you want to impact have access to your message to increase your chances of CTR.

You will also have to think about what your goal is:

  • Do you want to generate leads?
  • Hook to your current base?
  • Generate sales?
  • Appear more than your competition on the web?
  • Having your purpose well defined will allow you to direct users to the most convenient place (such as a blog post, a landing page, a product in your virtual store, etc.) and efficiently measure the success of your campaigns.
  • You have to look for the most qualified audience with the most realistic possibilities of becoming clients for your company, achieving hypersegmentation strategies.

5. Develop your Digital Branding

Your brand needs to have a solid and coherent identity to promote your positioning in the market and create a relationship with the public.

“A brand identity agency will understand this and help you implement an effective strategy to increase your brand awareness.”

On the Internet, that means doing brand management that transmits your value proposition through communication actions and creating positive experiences for users.

And why is this important for traffic? Because it is precisely this brand recognition that attracts direct traffic, that is, accesses that do not require specific sources.

To develop your Digital Branding, you can bet on:

Elaboration of Brand and Buyer Personas: semi-fictitious profiles that allow you to make clear how you should define your identity and how to work on their actions.

Definition of voice and tone: to determine the best way to express yourself and communicate with users.

Attractive visual identity: to distinguish yourself from the competition and attract consumers.

Visibility and specific channels: creating actions in the ideal place where your audience can see you.

Content production: to help the Buyer Persona’s pain, from recognizing the problem to the purchase decision.

6. Use Email Marketing as a Dissemination Channel

  • Email marketing is one of the most effective communication channels at your disposal to work on your digital strategy and is an excellent resource to attract more visitors and customers.
  • You can use email marketing in different ways, but, especially to generate traffic, we recommend that you invest in the dissemination of content and strategic pages for your business and objective.
  • For example, if you want to generate web traffic on your blog and educate your users, you can nurture them with a newsletter that promotes your content.
  • If you want to generate traffic in your virtual store, you can send offers and sales proposals to persuade potential buyers and promote your products efficiently.
  • To define your email strategy, consider the objective – your customers’ profile, purchase day and sending frequency.


Web traffic is essential for digital businesses since, without visitors, you will not have customers, and without customers, you will not generate sales.

But, as you could see in this post, some different sources and paths allow you to implement feasible and profitable actions to attract access to your website or blog.

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