Despite its challenges in usage, fitness apps have become an integral part of numerous people across the globe. We have witnessed some impressive developments in app technologies, and it continues to amaze us.
Here are some mind-blowing app technology trends to watch out for in the coming year:
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AI and ML to Become More Prominent in Fitness Apps
Have you observed how easily we are getting used to Siri, Alexa, and Cortana in our day-to-day lives? The magic of using your voice remote control is exhilarating, and we can expect the same to be seen in our fitness apps pretty soon.
These virtual assistants use artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to help us enjoy our lives with more convenience. Every fitness app development agency is scouting for new ways to help its clientele reap the benefits of the latest technological advancements.
AI-based fitness instructors and ML-based erudition models would soon revolutionize the fitness app industry.
VR And AR As a Part of Our Fitness Regimen
We have already seen the roles of VR and AR as front liners in numerous industries. Their use is yet to be exploited in the fitness and health industry, where tremendous potential awaits.
The coming year will possibly mark the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in giving training sessions, and AR can help measure performance like elapsed time, power, and heart rate. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality combined can help bring a richer and more personalized experience for aficionados.
Don’t be surprised if you see gaming experience integration with your app to make exercising more fun and exciting!
Exercising on Stream
While live training sessions on video conferencing are already a common practice these days, one still needs a live trainer. On the other hand, the fitness app can suggest exercise but without any live demonstration.
With the likes of various gadgets, soon we find a subscription-based model, where you can access streaming video to get help with your workout sessions. It means that you can work out anytime and anywhere and get on-demand streaming instructions to help you with your exercise.
The coming year might introduce streaming exercise models that would help you save time and money and work wonders for your health.
Final Words
We live in a time where technology continues to super-impress us every day. With the advent of AI, ML, and other advancements, the best fitness app technology is yet to be seen.
There are numerous possibilities and scope of advancement in-app technology. One time will show us what the pandora’s box has to offer. The above trends were based on the latest advancements we have observed in the technological domain, and hopefully, we will get a glimpse of these pretty soon.