Everybody is sick and tired of direct advertising. If a person sees a lot of commercials in their feed, they will unsubscribe from accounts that are constantly pushing something. So if you want to be read, commented on and liked, publish a variety of content: educational, expert and entertaining. And these Instagram post topics will be useful for both bookshop and live dealer casino games platform accounts. 

Inside Your Business

When a company shows how it works and what people work there, it’s easier for subscribers to associate with it. The openness of the company contributes to the trust between it and its subscribers. 

Show your key employees, talk about their work and hobbies, share interesting and funny working moments. 

If you’re not sure what to write, make a list of supporting questions: 

  • Which employees make up your team? 
  • How do you create your product? 
  • What are your values? 
  • What’s special about your team? 

Memes and Jokes 

Social media is a place for communication and entertainment, so post a minimum of nerdy content. 

Humorous content has a good chance of being viral if you can connect with your audience. Questions to answer before searching for that one joke: 

  • What’s funny about our industry? 
  • What kind of jokes do subscribers like? 
  • What jokes and memes do we like ourselves?
  • What’s trending right now? 
  • What do most people joke about? 

Reviewing Products or Services 

If you’re selling something on Instagram, product content should be present but not predominant. And make sure that you know when is the best time to post your Instagram content because this will be the key to targeting the right audience for your product. 

When posting sales content, try to show the benefits of your products and services rather than “selling” them. Let this and any other content be “in the world” of the reader. 

To publish useful selling content, ask yourself: 

  • What is the essence of my product or service? 
  • How can my product help my target audience? 

Collaborate With an Expert or Blogger 

People trust brands that have a “face,” which is why companies are increasingly looking for bloggers and other media personalities who can show the product in action and make it part of their public life over time. 

Seek out new personalities to collaborate with, invite relevant opinion leaders to research your product or service, and pay attention to growing micro-influencers. 

Questions to help prepare for working with opinion leaders: 

  • What is the purpose of publishing with a blogger? 
  • Who is my target audience? 
  • Which bloggers might have a similar target audience? 
  • What is our budget for working with an opinion leader? 
  • What format of publication is required? 


Confidence in the brand is also caused by real successes and figures. The well-known marketing specialist Neil Patel increased sales by 185% with the help of case studies he posted on his website. Of course, having cases doesn’t always mean instant direct sales, but if there are no cases, it will eventually raise questions. If you achieve results in your work, be sure to share them. 

Questions for case study publishing: 

  • What did we succeed in? 
  • How did we help the client? 
  • How did we succeed? 
  • What challenges were there in the process? 
  • How did we overcome them? 
  • What conclusions did we draw from the work we did? 

Answers to the Clients’ Questions 

  • The questions that clients have most often can be answered by the sales department. Here are some general recommendations: 
  • How to use your product and service? 
  • Who will your product work for and who won’t? 
  • How can you use your product or service? 
  • What are the rules? 

If customers have a lot of questions, you can do a live Instagram broadcast where employees answer all the questions. 

Testimonials, Photos and Videos From Clients 

Real customer reviews and UGC are power, and it says it all. Publish customer testimonials, photos of them with your product or service, and share the opinions of current customers to convince potential customers that they want your product. You can publish not only photos but also videos taken by your customers and testimonials in interview format. 

To get testimonials and UGC, ask your subscribers and customers: 

  • How did they like and what could you refine? 
  • What was memorable? 
  • What made the experience of using your product stand out? 

Tips and Expert Advice 

If your product is multi-functional, tell us in what situations and how it can be used. You can also give professional and expert advice in your area of expertise. 

If you don’t know where to start, answer a few questions: 

What are we experts in? 

How can we implement the advice: in the form of photos, video, text?

What questions about using our product do customers ask most often? 

Statistics and Infographics 

If possible, collect statistics on your work for all time or past periods. Accurate numbers get attention. 

Share infographics (charts, graphs and other visualized data) from the industry. It’s a good way to “dilute” text posts in your account, add appeal to your digital results, and show your expertise. You can even make your own infographics using data visualization services.

Questions to help you create your first infographic: 

  • What are the results of your work? 
  • What can you share with your subscribers? 
  • What’s interesting going on in the industry? 
  • What would be good to visualize? 
  • What infographics are competitors publishing? 

Useful Checklists and Guides 

The last tip is to make useful checklists. This format is much easier to understand than a long canvas of text. People often repost such materials because they contain a lot of useful information in a convenient format. 

Try Instagram Guides. These are compilations consisting of several thematically matched posts. If you’ve already made a series of themed posts on Instagram, combine these posts under one theme and tell your followers in Stories.