The Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse – Gwen, Jess, and Miguel’s first fight together against Renaissance Vulture has a fair few awesome moments.

Just as Gwen seems brought down, another portal opens and Miguel leaps into the fray to aid her.

This Vulture has a unique set of bombs and Hammerspace to boot, making him a lot more threatening than one would expect despite using only Steampunk-ish tools against his modern-era opponents. Even both Gwen and Miguel isn’t enough to stop him and Miguel is forced to call for backup.

Spider-Man_ Across The Spider-Verse

Jess comes out of nowhere on a motorcycle to turn the tide and aid Miguel after he’s finally forced to call for backup, making her entrance by ramming into Vulture midair with her cycle before webbing onto him and pulling him back towards her in order to grind the back wheel against his face, Gwen’s response is an appropriately enthusiastic “Will you adopt me?”

The Climax

The climax of the scene involves Vulture shooting down a police helicopter which crashes into the building, threatening to fall on and crush both innocents and her father caught in the crossfire. As the chopper descends on the panicked civilians Gwen closes her eyes and focuses, her theme music kicking in, before snapping into action, managing to create a web net over the crowd, yanks the pilots out of the still falling chopper (whom Miguel catches and lands safely) and vault off the chopper itself in order to slow it down by pulling on it from above with aid from Miguel and Jess, all in one continuous motion.

  • While rushing to catch the helicopter, Jessica is going full-speed on her motorcycle, while Miguel is keeping up alongside her on his own two feet, highlighting just how much of a formidable force he is.
  • The three finally sealing away the Vulture leads to Jess convincing the iron-willed Miguel that they should let Gwen into the Spider-Society.
  • And to top it off? Gwen, Jess and Miguel inadvertently save a Police Chief close to Spider-Woman from falling debris… a quiet but important bit of foreshadowing.

Miles’ fight with the Spot

The Spot is Unskilled, but Strong with powers he barely understands, but said powers do a lot thanks to his combination of Confusion Fu and the sheer power of being able to make anything into a dimensional hole. Meanwhile, Miles handles him deftly, doesn’t even take him seriously, and brings a Spider-Man trope back into the fray: Smack-talking and quipping about his enemies in the middle of battle.


Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse – It’s subtle but the fact Miles managed to maintain good grades despite having to balance school, superhero life, and family is impressive for a Spider Hero.

When Mrs. Chen is confronted by The Spot, she establishes that she’s Seen It All once again and that an animated supervillain breaking into her store doesn’t disturb her, genuinely weirding out The Spot while barely acknowledging his presence.

Just from an animation and creativity point of view, the brief part of Miles rapidly changing clothes in the stairway in a way only Spider-Man could change clothes deserves a mention. Even a seemingly unimportant scene like that the animators decided to make as creative and fun to watch as possible.